Restart Center
founded 1996
Tripoli, Lebanon
Restart Center envisions a World free of torture, where the individual’s dignity, self-respect and self-worth are cherished and his/her physical and psychological integrity and empowerment are guaranteed.Activities
The center seeks to prevent torture practices, nationally and regionally, through awareness-raising, advocacy, and capacity building and to ensure that the victim of an act of torture or ill-treatment and war-trauma obtains redress particularly through the provision of means for as full rehabilitation as possible.Specifically, Restart Center:
R estores the psychosocial, medical, and physical wellbeing of survivors of torture or trauma and their families.
E ducates professionals and the public about torture and its consequences.
S trengthens the legal and policy frameworks for an effective criminalization and abolition of torture nationally and regionally.
T hwarts, prevents and responds to gender-based violence and Counters violent extremism.
A dvocates for the rights of victims of torture and war-trauma to effective remedy and reparation.
R einforces the capacity of governmental bodies, inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and local communities as well as health and education sectors to identify and respond to the health, mental health, legal and social needs of survivors of torture or war trauma.
T akes actions to improve detention conditions and practices.