At the dinner we prototype social cohesion by getting people from different cultures, backgrounds, milieus, education, occupation, age, gender etc. to share their experiences and a meal and spend an evening together. Goals is to build respect for our differences and find common vaues.
The Diversity Dinner is part of a bigger project (2033 - new perspectives for social cohesion) and trys to strengthen social cohesion by building acceptance of and good dealings with diversity. This affects dealing with disadvantaged groups of people, such as people with a refugee background, with disabilities, people who are on the social fringe for a variety of reasons. The "Diversity Dinner" offers a meeting between people of different cultures, education and income levels, milieus, occupations, biographies. The purpose is to communicate across groups and cultures, to build understanding of the most diverse realities of life, to build up acceptance for diversity, to build "Bridging Social Capital" and thus to contribute to strengthening social cohesion and reducing social costs. The goal is also to scale these dinners and win companies, NGOs etc to host diversity dinners.
Dinner with about 60 people: 10 tables with 6 guest from different "categories", 3 course meals with moderated questions for the guests to discuss or to share. Special messages, stories are harvested.Partners