Investigate how socio-economic and health inequities develop during formative years of young refugees, and how they relate to each other and to key areas of welfare policy. Cross-country comparisons identify welfare policies that may promote socio-economic and health equity for young refugees.
Coming of Age in Exile (CAGE) is a large research project funded by the NordForsk. CAGE has been developed within the Nordic Network for Research Cooperation on Unaccompanied Refugee Minors and its sister network Nordic Network for Research on Refugee Children. CAGE have 5 research teams located at 5 Nordic partner Institutions with 20 researchers working on 6 studies and sub-studies. CAGE is based on comparative analyses across the Nordic countries in a pursuit to investigate the development of health and socio-economic inequities in young refugees in the Nordic welfare societies.
Investigating different research questions in 6 sub-study groups, and disseminating findings along the way through publications, policy reports, seminars, media interaction, and participation in conferences.Lead
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