Schule im Aufbruch

founded 2014

We are a grassroots initiative, supported by a small effective team and driven and expanded by active members of schools, school authorities, municipalities, regional communities, parent representatives, universities, etc.


Children should have the possibility to discover and grow their own individual capabilities and potential, rather than fulfilling given curricula or standards.

Short term aim:
Transformation of a few schools to help children discover and grow their own capacities and potential.

Long term aim:
Create a stronger and larger network of schools to break the pattern of old-school learning and teaching. Innovative schools should be the paradigm, not the exemption.


„Now“at the beginning of 2019 about 10% of all schools in Austria are part of the movement or connected to the movement. Inspired and encouraged by our initiative in the last 4 years, many schools radically transformed their teaching/learning culture, program and organisation.

