From the very beginning, Act.Now has emphasised the important role of Mayors of cities or communities to foster social cohesion as well as societal and economical welfare. As politicians, heads of municipal administrations and stakeholders for public and private interests, Mayors are responsible for all residents living in their municipal districts. Mayors from different countries in Europe, the Balkan region as well as the MENAT region are part of a network which was established and developed during the NOW Conferences starting in 2016. The working group facilitates collaboration designed to support the efforts of municipalities to receive, integrate and care for refugees and especially refugee children as well as to lay emphasis on social cohesion among all residents in the administrated district.
Motivation: Linking mayors from the MENAT region with mayors from Europe and therefore having the opportunity for mutual exchange of knowledge and experience by taking the different political, economical and social circumstances into consideration.Aims to: Foster dialogue and exchange to identify and inspire good practice models. Provide insight into different contexts by organising field exposures to municipalities in different countries. Facilitate measures of advocacy, empowerment and capacity building for mayors and their municipal matters.